Architect or LandmarkAdding source data with 2D polygons or polylines


Workspace: Path

2D Polys to 3D Source Data

Design Suite, Architect: AEC > Survey Input

Landmark: Landmark > Survey Input

Another way to generate the site model source data is to draw, trace, or import 2D polygons or polylines representing contours; then use the 2D Polys to 3D Source Data command to convert the polygons or polylines to 3D polygons or 3D loci.

The Modify by Record command can convert 2D polygons or polylines with attached record elevation data directly to 3D polygons at the proper elevation. See Modifying objects by record value.

To generate source data with the 2D Polys to 3D Source Data command:

Create or import the 2D polygons or polylines representing contour lines.

Select the command.

The 2D Polys to 3D Source Data dialog box opens. Enter the first elevation and change in elevation between contour lines, specify the smoothness of the source data conversion, and then select the type of object to be created.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.



Start Elevation

Indicates the elevation of the lowest contour in the drawing


Specifies the change in elevation from one contour line to the next

Segmentation Length

Specifies the length of straight line segments that make up the curved portions of the contour; a smaller value creates smoother curved contours. A value of 0 (zero) indicates maximum segmentation according to the 2D conversion resolution set in Vectorworks preferences: Edit pane.

Create 3D Polygons/Create 3D Loci

Select whether to create 3D polygons or 3D loci

The Set Elevation dialog box opens, and the first polygon or polyline in the drawing order is highlighted. If necessary, use the Up or Dn buttons to set the elevation of the highlighted polygon or polyline, and then click Next. When prompted, indicate whether to delete the original items.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Changes the elevation of the selected item

Use same height as prev.

Sets the elevation for successive items to the same value


Selects the next item


Stops setting elevations; click when all the elevations have been specified

Repeat for all of the polygons or polylines in the drawing.

To interrupt this process, click Done. To resume setting elevations, select the starting polygon or polyline and select the 2D Polys to 3D Source Data command.

Either 3D polygons or loci are created from the polygons or polylines, with Z values equal to the assigned elevations. These Z values can be edited from the Object Info Palette if they are incorrect.

Site model source data

Validating 3D source data

Simplifying 3D polygons

Creating the site model


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